Your support is always appreciated.

Frequently our counselors are asked if they can accept payment for the services we provide. The answer is no. We are volunteers, we receive no compensation for our time, and the services we provide are free.
While the Tax-Aide program does have expenses for equipment and supplies, these are provided through donations to the AARP Foundation, our sponsor. We are always appreciative of these donations as they enable us to expand to additional sites and provide better service to taxpayers.
If you would like to donate to the AARP Foundation, we would appreciate it if you would indicate on your form of payment that your donation is intended for the AARP Tax-Aide FL2 D45 program.
Donations can be sent to:
AARP Foundation
FL2 D45
601 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20049
Thank You very kindly.
*The AARP Foundation is a registered 501(C) 3 non-profit organization and in general donations that note an intention to AARP Tax-Aide will be deductible for Federal tax purposes.