How to Complete and Save a Fillable I&I Form

Click HERE to Download a 2023 I&I Form

After the download, type in your responses to the questions on the 2023 I & I form.

Then save the 2023 I & I Form on your computer. If you are using the Google Chrome browser:

  1. Click on the ‘Update’ button in the upper right hand corner that has three vertical dots at the right of the label ‘Update’
  2. Select the option ‘Print’
  3. In the window that appears, click on the down arrow in the ‘Destination’ option and select ‘Save as a PDF’
  4. Select the Save button at the lower right area of the window
  5. Type a descriptive name you want to give the pdf file to the right of the text box labeled ‘File Name’
  6. Browse to the location you want the file to be saved in the Address Bar at the top of the ‘Save As’ window
  7. Select the Save button located at the lower right hand area of the ‘Save As ‘ window

Finally, you need to actually print a paper copy of that I & I form.

Bring that printed I&I form with you to your Villages Tax-Aide appointment.